Overview & Insights - FREE
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)Overview & Insights Curious what to expect? Here's a sneak preview of our C-DPO intensive online-training. Make 2023 your year before it even begins. Don’t wait until the new year to set yourself up for career success. #futurejobs
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Veri Koruma Görevlisi Sertifikası Eğitimi (GDPR)
CourseGDPR Madde 37 Paragraf 5 uyarınca sertifikalı bir Veri Koruma Görevlisi olmak için eğitim ve ileri eğitim - Sertifikalı ve sınavlı uzaktan online eğitim - Verileri koruma uzmanı - GDPR Madde 37 paragraf 5 gereğince yeterlilik eğitimi
eBook - “Data Protection Mastery: Become a Data Protection Professional. The Complete Data Protection Officer’s Handbook” - Sale via Amazon
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)“Data Protection Mastery: Become a Data Protection Professional. The Complete Data Protection Officer’s Handbook” by Shernaz Jaehnel is an essential resource for anyone who wants to excel in data protection, and become a cert. Data Protection Expert.